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Bringers of the Light

Bringers of the Light

kr 105,00

How You Can Change Your Life and Change the World

All of the concepts found in Conversations with God revolve, ultimately, around a central theme.The purpose of life is to re-create yourself anew.This book takes that insight and renders it functional.Between these covers is a step-by-step exploration of the process of recreation, complete with assignments and exercises.Based on one of the most astonishing books of our time, Conversations with God.

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Produktnummer: Isbn 0-9678755-0-1 Kategori: Stikkord:

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ISBN 0-9678755-0-1
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 88
Innbinding Hefte
Utgitt 2011
Bokens tilstand Nytt eksemplar


Bringers of the Light

How You Can Change Your Life and Change the World


All of the concepts found in Conversations with God revolve, ultimately, around a central theme.The purpose of life is to re-create yourself anew.This book takes that insight and renders it functional.Between these covers is a step-by-step exploration of the process of recreation, complete with assignments and exercises.Based on one of the most astonishing books of our time, Conversations with God.


Vekt 97 g


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