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The Talmud of Immanuel

The Talmud of Immanuel

kr 350,00

The Clear Translation in English and German


is an ancient Aramaic scroll that may be the source of the Gospel of Matthew. If authentic, it indicates an extraterrestrial origin for the Christian New Testament. the scroll was entrusted to Eduard Meier who has been in contact with Pleiadian ETs since childhood-it could become the most stunning find of our century. First translated into German by Meier and Isa Rashid then into English by B. L. Greene and J. H. Ziegler teaches a way of life that is logical, natural,and ultimately, liberating. Reading it can comfort the doubtful, and jolt the complacent into examining their own assumptions.

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Produktnummer: Isbn 9780926524125 Kategori: Stikkord:

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ISBN Isbn 9780926524125
Språk Engelsk og tysk
Innbinding heftet
Utgitt 1992
Oversetter Eduard Alnbert Meier, Isha Eashid, J.H. Ziegler, B.L. Greene


Vekt 380 g


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