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Astrology, Magic, and Alchemy in Art

Astrology, Magic, and Alchemy in Art

kr 225,00

From antiquity to the Enlightenment, astrology, magic, and alchemy have always been considered important tools in unravelling the mysteries of nature and human destiny. As a result of the West’s exposure to the astrological beliefs of Arab philosophers and the mystical writings of late antiquity, these occult traditions became rich sources of inspiration for Western artists.This latest volume in the «Guide to Imagery» series, presents an intelligent analysis of occult iconography in many of the great masterpieces of Western art – from the astrological symbols that decorated churches and illuminated manuscripts, through the work of a wide range of Renaissance artists, including Bosch, Brueghel, Durer and Caravaggio, to the visionary works of nineteenth-century artists, such as Fuseli and Blake, as well as in the creative output of the Surrealists during the twentieth century.


Produktnummer: 51903 Kategori: Stikkord: , , ,

Bok informasjon

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ISBN 9780892369072
Artikkelnummer 51902
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 384
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 2008
Bokens tilstand Meget pent eksemplar, fremstår som ny og ulest
Kategori:, ,
Forlag: ,