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Blackfoot Physics

Blackfoot Physics

kr 145,00

A Journey into the Native American Universe

One summer in the 1980s, theoretical physicist F. David Peat went to the Blackfoot Sun Dance ceremony in Alberta, Canada. Hitherto having spent all his life steeped in and influenced by linear Western science, he was entranced by the Native world view and, through dialogue circles between scientists and Native Elders, he began to explore it in greater depth. Blackfoot Physics is the account of his discoveries. In an edifying synthesis of anthropology, history, metaphysics, cosmology and quantum theory, Peat compares the medicines, the myths, the languages, indeed the entire perceptions of reality of two peoples: Western and Indigenous. What becomes apparent is the amazing resemblance between Indigenous teachings and some of the insights that are emerging from modern science, a congruence that is as enlightening about the physical universe as it is about the circular evolution of man’s understanding.

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Produktnummer: Artikkelnr 8789 Kategori: Stikkord: , ,

Bok informasjon

Ny eller brukt En bok fra Primstaven antikvariat
ISBN 9781857024562
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 322
Innbinding Pocket
Utgitt 1994
Bokens tilstand Meget pent eksemplar
Kategori:, , ,