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Herman Wildenway samlede dikt – bind 1 – 6

Herman Wildenway samlede dikt – bind 1 – 6

kr 490,00

LIFE ENERY & THE EMOTIONS is a comprehensive explanation of how to unlock the power within each of us. This power, our LIFE ENERGY, specifically determines our mental and physical states. By showing how to release this energy, Dr. John Diamond will teach you how to:

-Lead a more productive, creative and happy life

-Achieve your fullest potential

-Deal positively with mental and physical stress

-Reduce negative emotional states (hatred, anger, jealousy, etc) and increase positive emotions (love, faith, courage, etc.)

– Prevent and overcome illness and maintain good health

-Look younger as you learn to erase the lines of selfdoubt and unhappiness from your face

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Produktnummer: Artikkelnr 130063 Kategori: Stikkord: ,

Bok informasjon

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ISBN ( 130063 )
Artikkelnummer Artikkelnr 130063
Språk Norsk nokmål
Antall sider 251
Innbinding Innbundet
Utgitt 1937
Bokens tilstand Meget pene eksemplar