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Kriya Secrets Revealed, fifth edition

Kriya Secrets Revealed, fifth edition

kr 250,00

This practical workbook was created to simplify the spiritual jounrey through Kriya Yoga as originally taught by Kriya founder, Lahiri Mahasaya. Now, people of all ages, races, religions and beliefs can experience the benefits of this scientifically-based path to inner peace and enlightenment. Whether you are a newcomer to yoga and meditation practices, or an advanced student of Kriya, there is something here for anyone seeking answers to life’s greatest questions.

At over 400 pages, «Kriya Secrets Revealed» is not your ordinary Kriya book! This unique book/practical workbook contains every possible resource and description (and illustration) necessary to assist those seeking deeper spiritual understanding through the practice of Kriya Yoga. In addition to describing Lahiri’s Seven Steps of Kriya (beginning to advanced techniques), and as a Kriya-for-all, mindful work, “Kriya Secrets Revealed” also includes descriptions of variations of the Lahiri lessons as presented by different main-line Kriya schools. Readers will also find a reprint of Swami Yogananda’s Kriya (i.e. “Art of Super Realization,” 1930, now public domain) and information from several other sources related to the practice of Kriya. For those who appreciate a starting point, worksheets with suggested practice routines are offered as well. The essays sprinkled throughout the book were written based on the author’s (J.C. Stevens’) insights, which reflect three decades of regular Kriya practice and years of research, including research into original texts relating to Kriya. These essays are meant to provide context for the author’s perspective, satisfy reader curiosity, and as discussions surrounding the theories and philosophies of Lahiri Mahasaya. For reader convenience, a glossary of Sanskrit and other non-English terms, as well as an Index, are also included.

Why was this information published for the public? J.C. Stevens, the book’s author, practiced Kriya for decades without reaching his higher spiritual goals. As a graduate of Physics from UCLA, he knew that the science behind Kriya was sound; but as a practicing yogi, his intuition was telling him that there was more to Kriya than he had been taught through the (Kriya-based) church he attended growing up. In 2013, after Stevens had answered many of his own questions about Kriya through independent research, he made the decision to reveal what he had learned in the form of a book/practical workbook for other aspirants who felt the need to delve deeper into their Kriya practice (i.e. “Kriya Secrets Revealed: Lessons and Techniques Workbook”).

Note from the author: “If you are currently a member of an organization that teaches Kriya, the information in this book may surprise you or challenge your beliefs. Please know that nothing contained within its pages is meant to disrupt anyone’s previous personal beliefs, but merely to assist or enlighten those who have sensed missing information about Kriya and its practice. In gathering knowledge in the formation of this book, every source was researched, including original text held in the National Library of India, which, with the help of Bangla translators, I studied and, in some cases, re-translated through a growing understanding of the text’s language, as well as through intuition gained from practicing Kriya. The decision to publish these findings was also the result of my own frustration with finding variations of Kriya on the Internet that professed to be the ‘only true Kriya.’ I trust that this book will help other likeminded souls avoid this same frustration.” – J.C. Stevens

Lahiri Mahasaya repeatedly reminded his students, “Do not wait for advice to practice Kriya,” urging them to break free of limited thoughts and to become supremely Self-empowered, recognizing that the ability to understand the universe lies within. Only a starting point is necessary. Kriya Yoga can serve as that point.

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Produktnummer: A12-a Art 13640 Kategori: Stikkord:

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ISBN 978-1479109517
Artikkelnummer Art 13640
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 403
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 2015
Bokens tilstand Meget pen bok
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