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Reality Revealed

Reality Revealed

kr 325,00

The Theory of Multidimensional Reality is the world’s first purely information theory of existence. It unites Quantum Mechanics with String Theory using an information theory of existence. It states that matter is not the dominant thing in our Universe, but rather the information that creates our matter world. There are 7 Youtube videos that cover some of the material in the book. Here are the list and the subject titles: Part 1/7: The Problem with Science Philosophy Today, Part 2/7: The Secret of the Universe Finding the Clock Cycles, Part 2/7, Postscript to Secret of the Universe Finding the Clock Cycles, Part 3/7: Theory of Multidimensional Reality the First Four Dimensions, Part 4/7: Theory of Multidimensional Reality, Dimensions 5 through 8, Part 5/7: What is Light the Theory of Multidimensional Reality, Part 6/7: Are we in a Hologram? And Subatomic Particles, Part 7: Quasars, Black Holes, are we in a Hologram? Multidimensional Reality, This book is the culmination of 40 years of study resulting in logical explanations for the hardest phenomena known. The author first presented the theory in his first book, Reality Revealed, the Theory of Multidimensional Reality in 1977. He further refined the theory in two successive books. The last book being God’s Day of Judgment, the Real Cause of Global Warming.


Produktnummer: Artikkelnr 8622 Kategori: Stikkord: , ,

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ISBN 0-930808-01-0
Artikkelnummer Artikkelnr 8622
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 460
Innbinding innbundet
Utgitt 1978