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Tarot, how to tell the future in the cards

Tarot, how to tell the future in the cards

kr 95,00

The tarot 78tarot cards have facinated occultists for centuries. For five hundred years they have been used for telling fortunes.
But those who read the Tarot believe they have more to reveal to us: our personal strenghts and likely failures, our hidden talents and secret desires…

In this book KAthleen McCormack, a famous clairvoyant, explains how to use the Tarot cards and interprets their hidden meanings.

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Produktnummer: A16-a Art 13905 Kategori: Stikkord:

Bok informasjon

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ISBN (13905)
Artikkelnummer Art 13905
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 127
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 1973
Bokens tilstand Tusj og blyantstrek på forsatsblad