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The Dimensions of Dying and Rebirth

The Dimensions of Dying and Rebirth

kr 190,00

Lectures from the 1976 Easter Conference at the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.

Easter and spring are natural times to contemplate birth, death and rebirth; so it is appropriate that the annual spring youth conference sponsored by the A.R.E. over the Easter holiday, April 15-18, 1976, was entitled “Dimensions of Death and Dying, Birth and Rebirth.” One of the main purposes of this conference was to present and discuss current research and thinking on these subjects, and to compare the concepts emerging from this work with related material from the Edgar Cayce readings. This booklet contains the edited transcripts of presentations by three of the speakers featured at that conference: Stanislav Grof, M.D. (“Transitions: Birth, Death, and Rebirth”); Raynor Johnson, Ph.D. (“The Wheel of Birth and Death”); and Hugh Lynn Cayce (“The First Ten Minutes After Death”). Also included here is the transcript of a panel discussion with three longtime A.R.E. staff members: Hugh Lynn Cayce, Gladys Davis Turner, and Ruth LeNoir, titled “Dimensions of Death.”



Produktnummer: A18-c Artikkel nr 12829 Kategori: Stikkord: ,

Bok informasjon

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ISBN 0876040997 brukt
Artikkelnummer Artikkel nr 12829
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 73
Innbinding Pocket
Utgitt 1977
Bokens tilstand Meget pent eksemplar - som ny
Forfatter:, ,