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The Science of being and the art of living

The Science of being and the art of living

kr 150,00

The science of Being and Art og Living presents thephilosophy of life in fulfilment and brings forth a practice suitable for all men everywhere in the world to glorify all aspects of their day-to-day life. It deals with the fundamentals of all problems of life and suggest one solution to eradicate all suffering.

This book is the summation of the practical wisdom of integrated life advanced by the Vedic Rishis of ancient India and the growth of scientific thinking in the present-day western world.

The book presents a practical thesis to satify man’s search for truth through science, religiond and metaphysical thought. It offers the principle of a practical technique to enable all men to harmonise their inner spiritual content with the glories of the outer material life and find their God within themselves.

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Produktnummer: A12-a Artnr 14086 Kategori: Stikkord: , ,

Bok informasjon

Ny eller brukt En bok fra Primstaven antikvariat
ISBN (14086)
Artikkelnummer Artnr 14086
Språk Norsk
Antall sider 335
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 1966
Bokens tilstand Klipt i forsatsblad, men ellers meget pen bok
Kategori:, ,