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Transpersonal Theory and the Astrological Mandala

Transpersonal Theory and the Astrological Mandala

kr 248,00

«This magnum opus is a major landmark in integral theory that, combining a rare blend of analytical rigor and depth of synthesis, articulates a coherent theoretical framework for an innovative astrological-transpersonal paradigm. I am convinced that Gerrys visionary work will continue challenging and redefining transpersonal studies for decades to come.”

Jorge N. Ferrer, author of Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of Human Spirituality

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Produktnummer: 9781426912115 Kategori: Stikkord: ,

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ISBN 9781426912115
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 688
Innbinding Pocket
Utgitt 2009