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Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism

Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism

kr 280,00

“This is the most valuable book yet written on the subject of Tibetan mysticism. Lama Govinda, a member og the Kargyupta Order has spent over twenty years of his life at the feet of masters of Tibetan hermitages and monasteries and his direct experience has given him a clear insight into much that has so far remained totally obscure to the outside world…”

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Produktnummer: Art 13562 Kategori: Stikkord: ,

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ISBN 13562
Artikkelnummer Art 13562
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 311
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 1982
Bokens tilstand Noe alderspreget, ellers pent


Lama Anagarika Govinda was born in Germany in 1898, and describes himself as ‘an Indian National og European descent and Buddhist faith belonging to a Tibetan Order and believing in the Brotherhood of Man.


Vekt 290 g


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