Bok informasjon
Ny eller brukt | Ny fra Forlaget | |
ISBN | ISBN 9781401916909 | |
Språk | Engelsk | |
Antall sider | 240 | |
Innbinding | Heftet | |
Utgitt | 2008 | |
Kategori: | Behandling og terapi A9-a | |
Forfatter: | Gregg Branden | |
Forlag: | Hay House Inc |
kr 159,00 Opprinnelig pris var: kr 159, 135,00Nåværende pris er: kr 135,00.
Did you know that we are born with the power to choose what’s real in our world?What would it mean to discover that everything from the DNA of life to the future of our world is based upon a simple ‘Reality Code’ that may be changed and upgraded by choice? Revolutionary discoveries in the power of belief suggest that we’re about to find out!For more than 20 years, Gregg Braden, a former senior aerospace computer systems designer, has searched for this understanding. He illustrates how the secret of spontaneously healing our false beliefs was left in the coded language of our most cherished traditions. Join Gregg as he shares the power of this mystery in our lives and invites us to the spontaneous healing of our own beliefs.
Fortsett å handle
Ny eller brukt | Ny fra Forlaget | |
ISBN | ISBN 9781401916909 | |
Språk | Engelsk | |
Antall sider | 240 | |
Innbinding | Heftet | |
Utgitt | 2008 | |
Kategori: | Behandling og terapi A9-a | |
Forfatter: | Gregg Branden | |
Forlag: | Hay House Inc |
Vekt | 369 g |
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