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Descartes` Secret Notebook

Descartes` Secret Notebook

kr 157,00

A true tale of mathematics, mysticism, and the quest to understand the universe

A portrait of the great seventeenth-century philosopher and mathematician looks at the contributions of Ren Descartes, his interest in mysticism and probable membership in the occult brotherhood of Rosicrucians, and his secret notebook, which he kept in code, attempting to redecipher the contents of the long-lost volume. Reprint. 35,000 first printing.

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Produktnummer: 9780767920346 Kategori: Stikkord: , ,

Bok informasjon

Ny eller brukt Ny fra forlaget
ISBN 9780767920346
Språk 9780767920346
Antall sider 273
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 2007


Vekt 213 g


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