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Collins photographic key to the trees of Britain and North Europe

Collins photographic key to the trees of Britain and North Europe

kr 349,00

Collins photographic key to the trees of Britain and Northern Europe –

A guide to Identification by Leaves and Needles

-An extraordinary breakthroug in tree identification

-An entirely new system for reliably identifying tree species by their leaves

-Over 1.600 stunning colour photographs of more than 260 species of tree and shrub

-The common species of tree described and illustrated in detail in the four seasons of the year showing buds, flowers, fruits, bark and wood. 

Additional material by Alan Mitchell


Produktnummer: Artnr H51541 Kategori: Stikkord: , ,

Bok informasjon

Ny eller brukt En bok fra Primstaven antikvariat
ISBN 0-00-219840-1
Artikkelnummer Artnr H51541
Språk Engelsk
Innbinding Innbundet
Utgitt 1988
Oversetter Clive King and Helen M. Stevenson
Bokens tilstand Meget pent eksemplar