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Develop Your Psychic Ability

Develop Your Psychic Ability

kr 185,00

Imagine having the power to know what others are thinking, to instinctively know the right decision to make, to have greater control over your own destiny. This practical book will help you hone your psychic skills and increase self-awareness and your consciousness of the world around you. World-renowned psychic Hazel Whitaker provides dozens of easy-to-follow exercises and meditation formulas for developing and sharpening your innate powers of intuition, E.S.P., telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, spiritualism, psychic healing, card reading, and crystal gazing. You will also learn how to protect yourself from negative influences; how to discover the most beneficial times and places for practicing your psychic ability; and how to use your increased awareness to bring more happiness and peace of mind into your life. 7 1/4″ x 8″. Color illustrations.


Produktnummer: A18-a Artikkelnr.: 12000733 Kategori: Stikkord: ,

Bok informasjon

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ISBN 9781902616124
Artikkelnummer Artikkelnr.: 12000733
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 79
Innbinding Innbundet
Utgitt 2001
Bokens tilstand Nytt eksemplar
Kategori:, ,