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The awakening of the puma

The awakening of the puma

kr 190,00

Initiation path

Evidences of Archeo Astronomy in the Andes

The awakening of the puma (Initiation path), is a revealing work explaining important astronomican phenomena that continue to take place today.

The ancient wisdom of the Andes still lives in the stones, and wach archeological monument is a testimony to a magnificent past. We are now in an accelerating new cycle of illumination and discovery. The beginning of the Tenth Pachakuti (a new cycle of Andean Tome)) was marked by the awakening of this new consciousness.

The Amautas will once again make their voices heard. With slow and graceful communication, Wiracocha and Pachamama will lead those who are receptive in this new era of unity.

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Produktnummer: Artnr 13972 Kategori: Stikkord: , , ,

Bok informasjon

Ny eller brukt En bok fra Primstaven antikvariat
ISBN (13972)
Artikkelnummer Artnr 13972
Språk Norsk
Antall sider 144
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 1997
Bokens tilstand Meget pen bok





Vekt 325 g


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