Bok informasjon
Ny eller brukt | Ny fra forlaget | |
ISBN | 9781931044066 | |
Språk | Engelsk | |
Innbinding | Heftet | |
Utgitt | 2001 | |
Kategori: | Astrologi - A16-b | |
Forfatter: | Edgar Cayse, John Willner | |
Forlag: | Paraview Press |
kr 298,00
The majority of horoscopes in current use are terribly wrong. Why? Because spiritual birth times, which are essential to producing an accurate horoscope according to Edgar Cayce, occur up to four-and-a-half hours before physical birth. That difference leaves aspects between planets about the same, but shifts all house cusps backward by up to one or two signs. Compared with most of todays faulty horoscopes, these «perfect horoscopes» match personas with awesome precision and provide greatly enhanced forecasting capabilities. This revolutionary book on astrology shows you how to (1) arrive at spiritual birth times, (2) apply two other fundamentals of astrology currently omitted from most horoscopes, and (3) verify your now totally functional horoscope.
Ny eller brukt | Ny fra forlaget | |
ISBN | 9781931044066 | |
Språk | Engelsk | |
Innbinding | Heftet | |
Utgitt | 2001 | |
Kategori: | Astrologi - A16-b | |
Forfatter: | Edgar Cayse, John Willner | |
Forlag: | Paraview Press |
The majority of horoscopes in current use are terribly wrong. Why? Because spiritual birth times, which are essential to producing an accurate horoscope according to Edgar Cayce, occur up to four-and-a-half hours before physical birth. That difference leaves aspects between planets about the same, but shifts all house cusps backward by up to one or two signs. Compared with most of todays faulty horoscopes, these «perfect horoscopes» match personas with awesome precision and provide greatly enhanced forecasting capabilities. This revolutionary book on astrology shows you how to (1) arrive at spiritual birth times, (2) apply two other fundamentals of astrology currently omitted from most horoscopes, and (3) verify your now totally functional horoscope.
Topics covered in this book include: Who in recorded history may have been responsible for the mistakes of astrology, and its subsequent fall from grace o How to calculate accurate, soul-chosen horoscopes; What steps can be taken to verify a soul chosen horoscope; Why progressions-not transits-mark the stepping-stones of life; When horoscopes can be used to confirm fundamentals and reject damaging false ideas (such as the «first breath» theory); Which concepts will change as we move from the Piscean Age of tolerant opinions to the Aquarian Age of benevolent intelligence.
Vekt | 360 g |
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