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The Shamanic Way of the Bee – Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters

The Shamanic Way of the Bee – Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters

kr 118,00

It exists throughout the world–wherever in fact the honeybee exists. Its medicinal tools–such as honey, pollen, propolis, and royal jelly–are now in common usage, and even the origins of Chinese acupuncture can be traced back to the ancient practice of applying bee stings to the body’s meridians. In this authoritative ethnography and spiritual memoir, Simon Buxton, an elder of the Path of Pollen, reveals for the first time the richness of this tradition: its subtle intelligence; its sights, sounds, and smells; and its unique ceremonies, which until now have been known only to initiates.

Produktnummer: 9781594771194 Kategori:

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ISBN 9781594771194
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 206
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 2006