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Tibet’s great yogi Milarepa

Tibet’s great yogi Milarepa

kr 189,00

The author has collected authoritative information which are impressively similar to the ancient ideals of Asceticism and world Renunciation, which milarepa expounded in his biography. This book is the culmination of that religious ideals of Orient that anthropologically human race is one Family and external differences are due to hereditary thinking. People of Occident will find this useful and realize its importance.

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Produktnummer: Art 13564 Kategori: Stikkord: ,

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ISBN 81-7769-065-5
Artikkelnummer Art 13564
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 315
Innbinding Heftet
Utgitt 2002
Bokens tilstand Pent eksemplar


Vekt 355 g


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