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The Art of Tantric Sex

The Art of Tantric Sex

kr 185,00

Techniques & rituals that enhance sexual pleasure

Understand the highly pleasurable Tantric rituals that enable you and your lover to create the ideal ambience for the sacred fusion of body, heart, and soul. Follow erotic sequences for exploring the wonder of the body and transforming every aspect of your sexual relationship. Discover how basic lovemaking positions hold the key to inner transformation. Practice physical, mental, and spiritual exercises that bring greater vitality, self-awareness, and balance to your whole being.These preparations open the door to blissful sexual union and the Tantric lovemaking positions that are so vividly demonstrated in glowing photographs. Here, by experiencing the stillness of Tantric lovemaking and learning how to stay relaxed in high states of arousal, you can go beyond orgasm to the ultimate harmonious union that is the very essence of Tantra.

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Produktnummer: A13-c Artikkelnr 10088 Kategori: Stikkord: ,

Bok informasjon

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ISBN 9780751303971
Artikkelnummer Artikkelnr 10088
Språk Engelsk
Innbinding Innbundet
Utgitt 1997
Bokens tilstand Meget pent eksemplar


Vekt 600 g


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